This summer, you are welcome to join "GO!! To Kwa Wan Express", a community engagement programme organised by the Centre for Innovative Service-Learning and TriAngle. You will take part in guided tours around To Kwa Wan to better understand the community, become a carpenter with your fellows to build a wooden cart from scratch, and create your own artworks. Finally, in the Campus Ride Tour, your cart will travel around the campus with all of your artworks, and you can invite other students to hop on the "express line" to connect with each other and with our neighbourhood.
在這個暑假,你可以參加由創新服務學習中心和 TriAngle合辦的「開動吧! ! 土瓜灣快線」。你將會參加導賞團,深入了解土瓜灣社區,化身成木匠,與同學合力製作木頭車。除此之外,運用你無限的想像力及創意設計出獨一無二的作品,向外界展現你眼中的土瓜灣。最後,我們將會在浸大進行「木頭車校園巡迴展覽」,讓同學透過作品與社區連結。
Cao Ka Ying, Chaiying 曹凱瑩
Business Management, Master
Tam Shuk Kwan, Kate 譚淑筠
Geography, Year 2
Students can refer to the following themes to develop creative ideas for your artwork:
1) Transformation of To Kwa Wan (Before/After renewal) 重建前/後的土瓜灣
2) Collective memories / stories of To Kwa Wan 土瓜灣的集體回憶/故事
Participants who have attended the two guided tours and completed the post-tour tasks are eligible to win HKTVmall coupons.
參加每個導賞團並完成任務後,都有機會贏取HKTVmall 現金禮劵
Virginia and Stanley Yim Student Development Fund