TriAngle logo TriAngle logo
Our Mission & Vision

“Driving Innovation for Social Good.”

#SocialInnovation #SocialEntrepreneurship #Service-Learning #Co-Create

Achievements (2020-2023)

TriAngle-led events:


Student Participants:


Community Partners Participants:




About Social Innovation Co-working Space

TriAngle TriAngle

TriAngle is located at the heart of the Shaw Campus. It provides a platform for the gathering of creative minds who believe in the synergy of collaborations. It is more than a physical place for meetings and projects but a co-working space for you to gather, network and make impact through creativity, interactivity and collaborations.

Who is it for?
  • HKBU students and instructors of service-learning courses
  • Social innovation projects steered by students and staff

We are open for everyone in HKBU for innovation collaboration!


TriAngle embraces an inclusive and minimalist design with a flexible layout and collaborative spaces. In this student-centred space, you can find:

  • Collaborative furniture designed by HKBU students*
  • Drawing boards and drawing paper rolls
  • Rocking chairs, yoga mats and free seating areas
  • Display racks and stands for mini-exhibition 
  • A mini-platform
  • Two large-screen TVs  
  • Four handheld microphones
  • Educational game sets
Facilities Facilities



Floor Plan

Floor Plan Floor Plan


Booking Form

If you wish to co-organise social innovation activities that will bring positive changes to both HKBU students and the wider community in TriAngle, please complete the online application form through SSSP.

Collaboration Opportunities

If you wish to co-organise social innovation activities that will bring positive changes to both HKBU students and the wider community in TriAngle, please send us a request. :)

Co-Working space Co-Working space
Exhibition Venue Exhibition Venue
Training Workshop Training Workshop
Offer Subsidies to Carry Out Service Project Offer Subsidies to Carry Out Service Project
Innovation Clinic Innovation Clinic

Talk to the Crew

TriAngle (DLB 306, Shaw Campus, HKBU, Kowloon Tong)
3411 2487

Getting There