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關於展覽 / About the exhibition:

宜創新 —— 社區共建推樂頤

From Service-learning to Social Innovation: Bridging Generations to Promote Active Ageing


The exhibition of the Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, From Service-learning to Social Innovation: Bridging Generations to Promote Active Ageing, at the BOC Life 9th Golden Age Expo & Summit (GAES24) on 2-4 August was a resounding success, illustrating the profound impact of service-learning and social innovation. It showcased student-led projects that portrayed the power of university-community partnerships in sparking sustainable change and enhancing elder care.

The booth was bustling with inspiration as students engaged visitors in enriching conversations and interactive experiences, featuring play kits showcase for elderly with dementia by AVA students, Chinese Medicine health consultations and forefront assistive technology prototypes try-out. Each students’ products and activities underscored their dedication to holistic elderly care and the Centre's focus on impactful learning while contributing the society.

Apart from booth activities, CISL co-hosted Smart Ageing Workshops with social innovation student teams, including Stote's Denim Upcycling Workshop, Sportcanheal852's Mindfulness Karate Experiential Workshop, and The Second Stage of Life by Mr Nicholas Ooi, Innovation Lead of CISL. These workshops demonstrated the diverse possibilities of active ageing from higher education.

Dr Lisa Lam, the director of CISL, captured the essence of these endeavours in her keynote speech on Day 3, "Empowering the Golden-Aged: Service-Learning and Social Innovation for Sustainable Social Impact," offering keen insights into how these projects contribute to the Centre's mission of empowering the ageing community. 

This thematic exhibition drew attention and demonstrated the transformative potential of partnerships between universities and communities in building a more inclusive and sustainable future.


展覽詳情 / Details:
  • 日期 Date: 2 – 4 August 2024 (Friday - Sunday)
  • 時間 Time: 11am - 7pm
  • 場地 Venue: Hall 3FG, HKCEC
  • 攤位號碼 Booth No.: B10, B12, B14


攤位活動及工作坊詳情 / Details: 
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