A Missing Workshop  “忍唔住想靜靜地一個人” 工作坊

The recent high-profile case of a secondary school boy who went missing has drawn widespread attention to the issue of active 'missing' adolescents. This has prompted us to explore the underlying reasons behind such occurrences. Factors such as high academic pressure, family conflicts, personal challenges, and other causes may contribute to this phenomenon. To create a moment of reflection and respite in the busy lives of students, we propose a community art workshop for Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) students to craft their own DIY missing package.

In the short term, the workshop aims to offer HKBU students a 'Me-time' opportunity to unwind and engage in the process of creating a 'missing' package. In the long term, the goal is to raise public awareness about the missing population and the diverse reasons behind their disappearances, while also encouraging individuals to show more love and compassion towards others. Furthermore, the workshop intends to convey a message that a temporary retreat from the world can be a positive experience. Engaging in meaningful activities alone can serve as a catalyst for personal growth, well-being, and self-discovery, overshadowing any temporary discomfort.


This project is supported by Social Innovation Kick-Start Fund.


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